Procurement KPI Encyclopedia

KPI Encyclopedia

Procurement KPI Encyclopedia

This document defines over 50 Procurement KPIs, including metric definitions for Strategic Sourcing, Vender Compliance & Audit, Vendor Contract Management and more. These KPIs are further categorized into seven major groups: cost, productivity, revenue, organizational, quality, service and volume. Purchase this document today to identify and begin measuring the right Procurement metrics.

How many metric, or KPI definitions, are included in this download? For which areas?

This reference-style document includes over 50 procurement KPI, or metric, definitions. The following common procurement department sub-functions are covered in this KPI Encyclopedia:

  • Procurement (Department-wide)
  • Logistics Management
  • Strategic Sourcing
  • Vendor Compliance & Audit
  • Vendor Contract Management
  • Vendor Identification & Management
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  • Q: How do you create your KPI Encyclopedias? +
  • Q: How can your KPI Encyclopedias help me and my business? +
  • Q: What’s in the box when I buy one? +
  • Q: Your download-able KPI Encyclopedias look great. But I need something custom. Can you help? +
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