KPI-Driven Business Intelligence™ Services

KPI Data-as-a-Service

You can’t beat the competition without knowing how you compare. Our research can inform and accelerates your analysis – lighting the path to valuable strategic and operational targets.

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Got insights? Our expert research team is standing by to accelerate and inform your analysis.
OpsDog Services OpsDog Services

The Benefits

Understand the KPIs that similar companies measure, and how you, or your clients, perform in comparison – get actionable, presentation-ready data to inform your initiatives.

OpsDog Service Benefits
OpsDog’s clearly-presented data and KPI definitions will help your audience rapidly grasp research findings.
  • Address specific questions with KPIs and data:

    We’ll work directly with you to understand the focus of your analysis – and suggest a research output that will meet or exceed your needs.

  • Identify and quantify improvement opportunities:

    Use our data to understand the difference between high and low performance, and calculate the potential financial impact of closing the gap.

  • Present and share detailed, understandable KPI data:

    Reports are designed so to be shared with your employees or clients – a picture is worth 1,000 words (on average).

  • Inform internal initiatives and KPI targets:

    Use hard data and research to fine tune your internal initiatives and set performance targets down to the individual employee level.

What You Get

Benchmark Report Presentation (PDF):

A customized, PowerPoint-style report summarizing our research through easy-to-understand data visualizations.

Benchmark Data Set (Excel):

A structured data table including the data summarized in your report. Use this clean data to filter, analyze and re-use your benchmarks.

OpsDog Service Features
Benchmark Report Presentation (PDF): Benchmark Data Set (Excel): KPI Handbook (PDF): Post-Delivery Support:
Each data visualization is accompanied by OpsDog insights, which summarize the practices of leading organizations.
Data are meta tagged with valuable demographic info – region, industry, company size and more!
KPI Handbooks help business intelligence teams implement and maintain apples-to-apples KPI measurements.
Our team will be standing by to help make sure you can immediately apply our research.

KPI Handbook (PDF):

A reference document including clear definitions, calculation instructions and measurement rules for each KPI.

Post-Delivery Support:

Our expert team will be available after your project is complete to answer any questions related to the provided data.

How Does It Work?

OpsDog will work with you at each step to make sure our research addresses your needs specifically.
KPI Selection & Research Prep

Before the project begins, we’ll work with you to understand your objectives. We’ll send you a research plan and metric list for approval before we get started.

2-3 Days
Data Research, Collection & Analysis

Our research team will work with you to collect your data (if required), and combine that with our proprietary research for comparison and analysis.

1-4 Weeks
Presentation & Documentation Development

Once all the data is compiled, we’ll work with our data visualization design team to build a presentation-ready report document for you.

2-5 Days
Data Delivery & Debrief

We send you the finished products, and schedule some time to go over the findings with you in detail.

1-3 Hours

Supercharge your business intelligence. Get Started.


"My team’s capacity was maxed out. We hired OpsDog to support us, from a research perspective, on a large project for a big 3 U.S. bank. We used their research during multiple high stakes meetings with the bank’s CFO. The insights they provided not only were critical to our presentations, but also helped us build a financial benefits case based partially on their research efforts."

- Managing Director, Top 5 Management Consulting Firm

Browse Case Studies

Good research is difficult and time consuming. OpsDog can quickly provide valuable, targeted insights to support your work. Read below about some recent projects, then contact us to see what we can do for you!

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