KPI-Driven Business Intelligence™ Services

KPI Data Standardization & Wrangling

80% of BI projects fail due to poorly-defined KPIs and lack of structured data – OpsDog will put your project on the right path by selecting valuable KPIs and preparing structured KPI data to feed your reports.

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Accelerate your BI project by using our industry-standard KPI definitions, org structures and data models.
OpsDog Services OpsDog Services

The Benefits

We’ll set you up with the right KPIs and wrangle data from existing sources to produce structured data models that feed clean, actionable KPI data into your performance dashboards.

OpsDog Service Benefits
We’ll deliver KPI details and data models with documentation that BOTH business users and IT teams can understand.
  • Measure the KPIs that matter:

    Based on your objectives, we’ll draw on our database of 5,000+ KPI measurements to select valuable KPIs for you and your team.

  • Document KPI details for IT and business users:

    Our detailed guides provide easy-to-understand KPI definitions, measurement rules, formulas and rationale behind each of your KPIs.

  • Extract hidden value from existing data sources:

    We’ll combine and enrich your existing data with valuable structure and meta tags that enable KPI reporting, data drill-downs and more.

  • Scalable, ready-to-use KPI data models:

    Our data science team delivers clean, structured KPI data models that are ready to plug directly into your reporting software.

What You Get

Detailed KPI Documentation:

A user-friendly guide including definitions, calculation details and other information on your selected KPIs.

Existing Data Inventory & Map:

A reference-style document that outlines the systems and tables which contain the data required for KPI reporting.

OpsDog Service Features
Detailed KPI Documentation: Existing Data Inventory & Map: Ready-to-Use Data Models: Data Model Documentation & Guide:
The details you need to understand and measure the KPIs that matter – packaged in a user-friendly format.
Understand where your data is currently stored and how to transform it all to enrich your business intelligence.
Structured, standardized, populated data sets ready to feed your analytics – rapidly delivered and documented.
Detailed documentation makes it easy to train new employees and continuously update your dashboards.

Ready-to-Use Data Models:

Structured data models in the format of your choosing (Excel, SQL, CSV, etc.) that are ready to plug into dashboards for KPI visualization.

Data Model Documentation & Guide:

A guide that defines each column in your standard data models and describes how data tables connect to one another to produce your KPIs.

How Does It Work?

Projects range from as little as 3 weeks – up to 4 months, or more. OpsDog can craft a solution that fits your timeframe.
Define Scope & Objectives

We’ll work with you to understand the areas you need to measure and define clear objectives for your business intelligence project.

2-5 Days
Select & Document KPIs

Our experts will select and propose a set of manageable KPIs, then work with you to refine until those metrics precisely meet your requirements.

1-3 Weeks
Gather & Document Existing Source Data

We’ll will work efficiently with your internal experts (IT, business analysts) to gather and document the source data required to enable KPI reporting.

2-8 Weeks
Build, Test & Validate Data Models

Our data science team will standardize, tag and structure the collected data to plug directly into your reports (and build test reports to validate the KPI data).

1-3 Weeks

Supercharge your business intelligence. Get Started.


"My analytics team was stuck cleaning data for hours every day. We couldn’t stop to refine our own data governance processes because we had strict reporting deadlines. There was just no time. I was hopeful when I stumbled upon OpsDog. Their team quickly gathered requirements from us, then put in place the data structures and governance standards we needed to push our business intelligence program to the next level. They were fast, friendly and effective."

- CFO, Fortune 1,000 Health Plan

Browse Case Studies

OpsDog has over 2 decades of experience developing standard, structured data to enable best-in-class business intelligence. Browse a few project stories below, then contact us to learn how we can help your team!

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