Print Publishing: Overview, Products & Services

Resources Designed to Support and Improve Publishing Operations

What is Print Publishing?

A print publishing company is typically known for publishing any literary piece of work such as newspapers, novels, educational books, magazines, or journals in a hardcopy format so as to distribute such pieces to the public. With the advent of the Internet, however, the scope of publishing companies have expanded to include electronic resources such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as micropublishing, websites, blogs, video game publishers, etc. Activities carries out in a typical print publishing company include advertising sales, editorial tasks, production, managing editing, printing, circulation and web design and development. That said, while the activities of a typical print publishing company may be similar, taking written content from concept to production is either the collaborative task of multiple departments or the job of a single individual, depending on the available resources and the volume and diversity of the titles the company offers. Print publishing companies, furthermore, may have separate departments completing tasks unique to their business scope (e.g., newspaper companies have news collection and reporting while book publishers have the Acquisitions Department, etc.).

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Org Charts

A typical print publishing company is composed of several common sub-functions, or teams, that work together to develop and distribute content to members of their targeted audience. Major functions within a publishing company include content production and management, editorial management, advertising sales, print production and distribution. Browse our print publishing organization chart page to learn about the roles and responsibilities of each major function. Then, download our org chart template (PDF, Visio, PPT) to further understand the print publisher organizational structure, and support operational improvement efforts.

Our Services

Big-box analytics without the big price tag

Why are the world’s biggest consultancies and tech providers beyond the reach (and budget) of so many companies? They're not structured to "peel off" various sub-services for you to engage. We are. (In fact, we proudly count many of those big consultancies as OpsDog clients!). Let us leverage our 25 years of experience implementing business intelligence for Fortune 500 leaders to bring you analytical services at astonishingly affordable prices.

Learn more about our KPI-driven business intelligence services:


Best Practices

Check out our print publishing best practices page to view selected descriptions of work methods that have been proven to produce better results (as compared to other, similar methods). Want more? Download our Print Publishing Best Practices Guide, which provides a healthy selection of valuable best practices that can be incorporated to improve publishing operations. There might not be only one "best" way to perform every task. However, there is always a "better" way.