KPI-Driven Business Intelligence™ Services

Business Process & Customer Journey Analysis

Don’t build technology around broken processes. Our process maps and improvement reports rigorously document employee work activity and identify opportunity to redesign and automate work tasks.

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Our process models capture the detail – rules, logic, activities – that you need to automate and improve performance.
OpsDog Services OpsDog Services

The Benefits

The process models and analysis you need to streamline and automate your business processes – rapidly delivered in actionable, activity-level detail.

OpsDog Service Benefits
Got detail? We’ll document every work activity, decision point and improvement opportunity within your process.
  • Inform automation and software development:

    Our detailed process models and analysis provide valuable blueprints for automation and application design.

  • Document system use patterns and data capture points:

    We’ll highlight points throughout the process that describe how existing systems are used and where valuable data is, or could be, captured.

  • Uncover valuable process improvement opportunities:

    During our analysis, we’ll identify and document valuable improvement opportunities to improve productivity, service and work quality.

  • Dig down into activity-level process detail:

    Gain a detailed understanding of how the work gets done, and the role each department and employee plays in your business processes.

What You Get

Activity-Level Business Process Models:

Your detailed, meta-tagged end-to-end process model in Visio, PDF and Excel formats.

Improvement Opportunities & Leading Practices Report:

An interactive report describing identified process improvements and related leading practices.

OpsDog Service Features
Activity-Level Business Process Models: Improvement Opportunities & Leading Practices Report: Interactive Process Diagnostic Report: Automation & Technology Benefit Summary:
Process steps that impact customer experience are meta-tagged so you can “pivot” to analyze the customer journey.
Process improvements are prioritized and organized so you can “bite off” manageable pieces.
Diagnostic reports provide visibility into rework and other non-value-add activities in your process.
Understand clearly the major opportunities to automate process steps – and how you can execute.

Interactive Process Diagnostic Report:

A dashboard-style report that visualizes how employees spend their time and where wasteful, redundant or avoidable work appears in the process.

Automation & Technology Benefit Summary:

A PDF report describing specific opportunities related to process automation and technology utilization.

How Does It Work?

You don’t like to waste time, and neither do we. OpsDog courteously uses your staff’s time as we conduct our process analysis.
Define Scope & Objectives

We’ll work with you to understand scope and overall objectives, then schedule a series of process mapping sessions with your staff.

2-5 Days
Process Modeling & Activity Documentation

Our team will efficiently map the in-scope business processes and validate each step with your staff to build an end-to-end process map.

2-4 Weeks
Data Analysis & Report Development

Using our proprietary Activity Cube data model, we’ll develop an interactive report highlighting precisely where, why and how your process can be improved.

1-2 Weeks
Process Model Delivery & Debrief

We’ll schedule a meeting with you and your staff to review the final process model and related findings – and answer any questions that you have.

1-3 Days

Supercharge your business intelligence. Get Started.


"We had spent millions on robotics, but didn’t have much tangible progress to report to our senior executive team. We knew what our problem was – we had waste built into automated processes. The analysis that OpsDog provided was exactly what we needed to rapidly streamline and re-configure our processes to get the most from our technology investment. Our performance improved across the board – and we had the data to prove it."

- EVP of Finance, Fortune 500 Retailer

Browse Case Studies

Our teams have analyzed thousands of processes over the last 2 decades. Read more below about how we’ve helped companies streamline and automate, then contact us to learn how OpsDog can do the same for you!

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