Revenue per Tractor

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KPI Benchmarks : Revenue per Tractor

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Revenue per Tractor

KPI Details

Revenue per Tractor measures the total revenue generated by the company in relation to the total number of tractors used by the company. A relatively low value for this metric may be indicative of poor fleet management or inadequate preventative maintenance on the company’s vehicles, sub-par business acquisition practices or poor dispatching processes. While a high value is desired for this KPI, companies want to ensure that there are enough tractors in the company’s fleet to avoid any sort of bottleneck.

KPI Definition

The total dollar amount of revenue earned by the company divided by the average number of tractors (vehicles that pull trailers/cargo units) being used by the company (includes tractors either leased to or owned by the company) over the same period of time.

KPI Calculation Instructions Revenue per Tractor?

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