Hospital Employees per Adjusted Occupied Bed

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KPI Benchmarks : Hospital Employees per Adjusted Occupied Bed

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 28

* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

Hospital Employees per Adjusted Occupied Bed

KPI Details

Hospital Employees per Adjusted Occupied Bed measures the number of employees working within a hospital divided by the total number of adjusted occupied beds for that hospital. A relatively high value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including overstaffing of one or all hospital departments, general inefficiencies within hospital processes (e.g., inefficient gathering of patient medical histories, poor diagnosis of symptoms and patient issue severity, etc.), and sub-par hospital employee training and performance. While a low value for this metric is preferred, this should also be balanced with the level of service being provided to patients, as the quality of the services may impact patient satisfaction, the length of the patient's stay in the hospital, and the patient's mortality.

KPI Definition

The number of employees working within a hospital divided by the total number of adjusted occupied beds for that hospital.

KPI Best Practices

  • Employ part-time employees and monitor patient volume daily to make staffing decisions
  • Ability to retain top performers and avoid staff turnover
  • Sufficient hiring and vetting procedures to employ productive, high-performing employees

KPI Calculation Instructions Hospital Employees per Adjusted Occupied Bed?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of employees working within a hospital, and (2) the total number of adjusted occupied beds for that hospital. Calculate adjusted occupied beds by dividing the total dollar amount of revenue generated by the hospital’s patients (this includes the revenue generated by both inpatients and outpatients) by the dollar amount of revenue generated by the hospital’s inpatients. This number should then be multiplied by the number of occupied beds. Include all employees working for the hospital in the numerator, no matter which department they work for. An occupied bed should be considered to be an available bed where there is a patient physically in the bed or the bed is being retained for the patient (e.g., the patient is receiving treatment or is on leave).

KPI Formula :

Number of Hospital Employees / Number of Adjusted Occupied Beds

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