Manufacturing & Production KPI Encyclopedia

KPI Encyclopedia

Manufacturing & Production KPI Encyclopedia

This document defines over 200 Manufacturing & Production KPIs, including metric definitions for Facility Management, Manufacturing & Assembly, Production Planning and more. These KPIs are further categorized into seven major groups: cost, productivity, revenue, organizational, quality, service and volume. Purchase this document today to identify and begin measuring the right Manufacturing & Production metrics.

How many metric, or KPI definitions, are included in this download? For which areas?

This reference-style document includes over 200 manufacturing & production KPI, or metric, definitions. The following common manufacturing sub-functions are covered in this KPI Encyclopedia:

  • Manufacturing & Production (Function-wide)
  • Facility Management
  • Manufacturing & Assembly
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Production Planning
  • Quality Assurance
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  • Q: How do you create your KPI Encyclopedias? +
  • Q: How can your KPI Encyclopedias help me and my business? +
  • Q: What’s in the box when I buy one? +
  • Q: Your download-able KPI Encyclopedias look great. But I need something custom. Can you help? +
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