Call Center Shrinkage Due to Offline Activities

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KPI Benchmarks : Call Center Shrinkage Due to Offline Activities

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Call Center Shrinkage Due to Offline Activities

KPI Details

This metric measures both the productivity of the organization's workforce, as well as management's ability to monitor how effectively employees are using their time. Through granular analysis of employee time use, management is able to identify lost work time and determine methods to improve capacity. A large amount of work time lost due to the performance of offline activities may impact organizational capacity, as well as employee productivity, work quality and service levels.

KPI Definition

The number of minutes that call center representatives spend off the phone and unavailable to accept calls as a result of various offline tasks as a percentage of the total amount of time scheduled for work over the same period of time.

KPI Calculation Instructions Call Center Shrinkage Due to Offline Activities?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the amount of work time (measured in minutes, rounded to the nearest tenth) lost due to the performance of offline activities, and (2) the total amount of available work time across all of the organization’s employees during the measurement period. The amount of work time lost should be considered to be the amount of time call center representatives spend off the phone and unavailable to accept calls. Total available work time should be defined as the time the organization has scheduled, during business hours, for employees to perform work activities. To calculate the total amount of time available for work during the measurement period, first identity the number of hours employees were scheduled to work during the period; then, multiply that value by 60 to covert to minutes. For full-time salaried employees, use a standard 8 hour work day for this calculation (e.g., 10 salaried employees working 8 hours per day equates to 4,800 available work minutes per day). In this calculation, include all types of offline activities, such as ad hoc requests from management, internal emails, etc.

KPI Formula :

((Sum of Work Time Lost Due To Offline Activities) / Total Available Work Time) *100

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