Subrogation Referral Rate (Auto)
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KPI Benchmarks : Subrogation Referral Rate (Auto)
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Subrogation Referral Rate (Auto)
KPI Details
Subrogation Referral Rate measures the percentage of the company’s paid claims that are passed on to the subrogation team to seek reimbursement for paid losses. A low value for this KPI may indicate that the company does not have clearly established subrogation referral guidelines and is missing out on subrogation opportunities, which negatively affects the company’s profitability. A high value for this KPI indicates that the company is taking a proactive approach to seek reimbursement for paid claims in which their own policyholders were not at fault. Companies with high subrogation referral and recovery rates can offer lower premiums to their policyholders, increasing customer retention and satisfaction.
KPI Definition
The number of paid claims that are referred to the subrogation team for further collections as a percentage of total paid claims over the same period of time, as a percentage.
KPI Calculation Instructions Subrogation Referral Rate (Auto)?
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