Transfer Rate
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KPI Benchmarks : Transfer Rate
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- Benchmark Sample Size (n) 915
* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better
Transfer Rate
KPI Details
This KPI measures the accuracy in which callers are routed to the correct representative as well as the ability of representatives to resolve caller issues. A high value indicates that representatives are not sufficiently able to answer callers' questions or that the callers are originally being routed to the wrong representative or department. This can lead to extended handle times and poor customer satisfaction. A low value suggests that the IVR/VRU system is accurately directing callers to the right representatives or departments, without a need for further transfers.
KPI Definition
The number of incoming calls handled by call center representatives that must be transferred to another employee to be resolved as a percentage of the total number of incoming calls handled by call center representatives over the same period of time.
KPI Best Practices
- Agents cross-trained to handle multiple call types to minimize transfers
- Use visual aids for call flow types and FAQs to support representatives mid-call
- Effective use of IVR/VRU system to resolve and streamline calls
- High performance in first call resolution
KPI Calculation Instructions Transfer Rate?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of incoming calls handled by call center representatives that must be transferred to another employee, and (2) the total number of calls handled by call center representatives over the same period of time. Do not include IVR/ VRU transfers to representatives in the numerator of this calculation. Transfers can include calls re-routed to other call center representatives, managers, or employees from other departments. If multiple transfers are made in one call, only count that as one instance in the numerator.
KPI Formula :
(Number of Calls Transferred to Another Employee / Total Number of Calls Handled) * 100
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