T&E Expense Payments per Employee

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KPI Benchmarks : T&E Expense Payments per Employee

  • Benchmark Range
  • Benchmark Average
  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 52

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

T&E Expense Payments per Employee

KPI Details

Travel & Entertainment (T&E) Expense Payments per Employee measures the overall productivity and efficiency of the company's internal expense management function. While there are many technologies that will automate various parts of the T&E expense management process, various non-technology issues can cause issues, driving cycle times, error rates, and costs higher. Poorly defined expense policies and report submission procedures, incorrect or missing T&E report information (e.g., missing receipts, incorrect charge codes, etc.) and a lack of attention to detail among T&E processing staff can negatively impact employee productivity, costs and service levels. An audit of T&E reporting processes typically reveals opportunities to simplify submission methods/formats and eliminate common, repetitive report errors/omissions.

KPI Definition

The number of travel and entertainment (T&E) report payments (i.e., expense reimbursements) processed over a given time period divided by the average number of employees processing T&E reimbursements within the company's expense management function (or similar department) over the same period of time.

KPI Best Practices

  • Use pre-approvals for employee purchases to minimize disputes
  • Train employees on proper way to submit/fill-out expense vouchers
  • Minimal manual processing of T&E expense payments

KPI Calculation Instructions T&E Expense Payments per Employee?

Two numbers are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of travel and entertainment (T&E) reimbursement payments completed, and (2) the number of employees responsible for managing and processing T&E reports/vouchers and reimbursements (typically these employees are within the company’s internal expense management and/or accounts payable functions). A reimbursement payment is simply counted as any instance where an employee T&E report was processed and a reimbursement payment was made to compensate the employee for business-related expenses.

KPI Formula :

Travel & Entertainment Voucher Error Rate, Travel & Entertainment Payment Error Rate

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