Assets Under Management (AUM) per Registered Financial Representative

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KPI Benchmarks : Assets Under Management (AUM) per Registered Financial Representative

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 128

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Assets Under Management (AUM) per Registered Financial Representative

KPI Details

Assets Under Management (AUM) per Registered Financial Representative measures the average dollar amount of client asset's managed per registered financial representative. A relatively low value for this KPI may suggest that the company has poor performance related to new business development or that the financial representatives are overstaffed, which is going to be costly to the company. Low values may also indicate that the company does not have adequate internal processes in place to maximize financial representative productivity. While a higher value for this KPI is generally preferred, extremely high values could have a negative impact on employee performance or customer service/experience.

KPI Definition

The total dollar amount of assets managed (AUM) by the firm divided by the total number of registered financial representatives working for the firm at the same point in time.

KPI Calculation Instructions Assets Under Management (AUM) per Registered Financial Representative?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total dollar amount of assets under management by the firm, and (2) the total number of registered financial representatives working for the firm at the time of measurement. Assets under management should include all client assets that are under management by the firm. Registered financial representatives are licensed to sell securities (stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, etc.) on behalf of the firm.

KPI Formula :

Total AUM / Number of Registered Financial Representatives

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