Average Handle Time: After-Call Work

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KPI Benchmarks : Average Handle Time: After-Call Work

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  • Benchmark Average
  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 862

* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

Average Handle Time: After-Call Work

KPI Details

This KPI measures the productivity and efficiency of call center representatives and call handling practices. A high value for this KPI can indicate a lack of standard guidelines or procedures for after-call work. A high value also suggests that representatives are tied up with after-call work when they could be answering additional customer calls. Look to improve employee training, automate repetitive after-call tasks (emails, data entry, etc.) and perform after-call work specific coaching to reduce after-call work time in any call center.

KPI Definition

The average number of seconds required to perform after-call work after a single call is completed over a certain period of time. After-call work, or wrap time, includes any time required after the phone call has ended to perform tasks to satisfy the customer's request or document the call (data input, filing paperwork, updating database, etc.).

KPI Best Practices

  • Use standard data input templates for after-call work to reduce cycle times
  • Standardized job aids with commonly referenced information based on common call types
  • Implement targeted management routines such as performance goals to track improvement

KPI Calculation Instructions Average Handle Time: After-Call Work?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of seconds a call center representative spent handling customer calls over a certain period of time, and (2) the total number of calls handled by call center representatives over the same period of time. Include both inbound and outbound calls in this calculation (although data for these call types should be segmented to allow for additional analysis). Include hold times, transfers and any after-call work performed in this calculation. Do not include calls resolved within the IVR/VRU system in this calculation. A call that is transferred from the original representative to another representative should be considered a separate call.

KPI Formula :

(Number of Seconds Spent on After-Call Work / Total Number of Calls Handled)

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