IT Support Ticket Resolution (Unplanned) Cycle Time
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IT Support Ticket Resolution (Unplanned) Cycle Time
KPI Details
IT Support Ticket Resolution (Unplanned) Cycle Time measures the number of minutes required to resolve an unplanned incident-related IT support ticket (hardware failure, printer failure, server failure, connectivity failure, etc.), from the time the IT support employee arrives at the location where the work is to be performed until when the incident is resolved. A relatively high value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including inefficient and unstandardized incident resolution processes (i.e., poor customer incident documentation tracking, inefficient customer communication concerning what has already been attempted to resolve the issue, not arriving to the location prepared to resolve the issue, etc.), and sub-par IT support employee training and performance. Each of these factors can, as a result, reduce organizational capacity, delay the productivity of employees, increase the cost associated with ticket resolutions and increase the likelihood that rework and errors are occurring.
KPI Definition
The number of minutes required to resolve an unplanned incident-related IT support ticket (hardware failure, printer failure, server failure, connectivity failure, etc.), from the time the IT support employee arrives at the location where the work is to be performed until when the incident is resolved.
KPI Calculation Instructions IT Support Ticket Resolution (Unplanned) Cycle Time?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of minutes required to resolve an unplanned IT support/service ticket, and (2) the total number of unplanned IT support/service tickets resolved during the same period of time. Incident tickets involve unplanned work that requires a physical touch by an IT support employee to one or more devices. Incident tickets involve hardware breaks or fixes, device failures, connectivity failures, etc. Tickets are defined as closed when the support ticket has been solved without being re-opened by support employees for a duration of time that is specified by the company. Do not count the time it takes the IT support employee to arrive at the location where work is to take place in this calculation.
KPI Formula :
(Sum of Minutes Required to Resolve Unplanned Incidents) / Total Number of Unplanned Incidents Resolved
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