Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate
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KPI Benchmarks : Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate
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- Benchmark Sample Size (n) 82
* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate
KPI Details
Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate measures the number of times emails sent out during an email campaign were opened for the first time by individual users in relation to the total number of emails sent during that campaign. A relatively low value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including emails that are irrelevant to the lead's interests, unclear or robotic email headlines (i.e., headlines that lack a personal touch or cannot be understood) and emails that are considered to be "bounced" (i.e., emails that fail to be delivered due to fake emails, rejections from the customer's server, a file size that is too large to be accepted, full email boxes, etc.). Each of these factors can result in poor overall reach and conversion rates.
KPI Definition
The number of times an individual user opens an email sent out during an email campaign divided by the total number of emails sent during that campaign, as a percentage. "Unique opens" does not counts subsequent openings of the email beyond the first opening of the email for individual users.
KPI Calculation Instructions Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of times an individual user opens an email sent out during an email campaign, and (2) the total number of emails sent out to customers or subscribers. Do not count subsequent openings of the email beyond the first opening of the email by individual users (i.e., "Unique Opens"). Only include emails that are successfully delivered (i.e., emails that do not "bounce") in the denominator. Consider an email "bounce" to be an email that has failed to be delivered due to a fake or disabled email address or domain, if the email address is blocked by the server, if the attachment size is too large to be accepted, if the potential or existing customer’s mailbox is full, and so forth.
KPI Formula :
(Number of Emails Opened / Total Number of Emails Sent) * 100
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