Hold Time as a Percentage of Total Handle Time

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KPI Benchmarks : Hold Time as a Percentage of Total Handle Time

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* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

Hold Time as a Percentage of Total Handle Time

KPI Details

Hold Time as a Percentage of Total Handle Time measures the amount of time that customers wait on hold in relation to the total amount of time representatives spent handling customer calls over the same period of time. While, sometimes, a caller must be placed on hold so that the representative can retrieve information and/or speak with a supervisor, high values for this metric indicate inefficiencies within call center systems and procedures and poor representative training. Excessive hold times can, as a result, lead to bloated average handle times, poor employee performance rates and sub-par customer satisfaction.

KPI Definition

The amount of time that customers wait on hold divided by the total amount of time representatives spent handling customer calls over the same period of time, as a percentage.

KPI Calculation Instructions Hold Time as a Percentage of Total Handle Time?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of seconds that customers wait on hold during the course of a call during a certain period of time, and (2) the total amount of time representatives spent handling customer calls over the same period of time. Include hold times occurring during a call as well as between transfers within this calculation. Include both inbound and outbound calls in this calculation. Do not include the time the customer spent within the IVR/VRU system in this calculation. This does not include the time to answer a call once it is routed to a representative by the IVR/VRU system.

KPI Formula :

(Number of Seconds Customers Spend on Hold / Total Amount of Time Spent Handling Customer Calls) * 100

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