Marketing Staffing Ratio
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KPI Benchmarks : Marketing Staffing Ratio
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- Benchmark Sample Size (n) 48
* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Marketing Staffing Ratio
KPI Details
Marketing Staffing Ratio measures the total number of company-wide employees in relation to the number of Marketing employees (across all marketing sub-groups) working for the company at the same point in time (e.g., total employees per Marketing employee). A lower than average value may be related to process inefficiencies, lack of automation and/or simple overstaffing within the Marketing Department. While a high value for this metric is preferred, this should also be balanced with the level of service the company has forecasted that it needs in order to efficiently connect with its customers, as the quality of marketing services may impact current and potential customer interest in the company and any products and/or services being offered.
KPI Definition
The total number of company-wide employees divided by the number of Marketing employees (across all marketing sub-groups) working for the company at the same point in time, expressed as a ratio (e.g., total employees per Marketing employee).
KPI Best Practices
- Cross-train employees to handle multiple tasks across the Marketing function
- Strategically employ third-party marketing agencies to reduce costs and staffing levels
- Develop standard methodology and roles for current employees to implement marketing projects
KPI Calculation Instructions Marketing Staffing Ratio?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of employees working for the company, across all functions within the supported regions, and (2) the number of employees working in the Marketing Department at the same point in time. Marketing employees should be counted as any employee whose core job function is related to selling its products or services by identifying consumer needs and, based on those needs, developing, publicizing, communicating and selling their products/services to consumers. Include employees in all marketing sub-functions (e.g., Branding & Strategy, Content Marketing, Market Research & Analysis, Programs & Campaigns, and Public Relations) in this calculation.
KPI Formula :
Total Number of Employees / Number of Marketing Employees
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