Payroll Staffing Ratio
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KPI Benchmarks : Payroll Staffing Ratio
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* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Payroll Staffing Ratio
KPI Details
Payroll Staffing Ratio measures the staffing levels within the company's payroll function relative to the total number of employees working for the organization at the same point in time (i.e., total employees per payroll employee; or, number of employees supported per payroll employee). Many factors can impact the number of employees required to manage the company's payroll process, including the level of automation, complexity of compensation packages (e.g., performance-based bonuses, commissions, referral fees, etc.) and method of payment used (e.g., electronic, paper checks, etc.). In many cases, the payroll function may be outsourced in part, or fully, to a third-party processing vendor.
KPI Definition
The number of company-wide employees divided by the total number of Payroll employees working for the company at the same point in time, expressed as a ratio (e.g., total employees per payroll employee).
KPI Best Practices
- Cross-train employees to handle multiple tasks across payroll function
- Accurate work volume forecasting to optimize department staffing levels
- Utilize third party payroll providers when applicable
KPI Calculation Instructions Payroll Staffing Ratio?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) total Payroll Department employees, and (2) the total number of company wide employees working for the organization at the same point in time. Total Payroll Department employees should include all full and part-time staff members working within the payroll function performing tasks such as payment processing, payroll inquiry handling and resolution, payroll error correction, off cycle check processing and payroll dispute management. Do not include payroll-related employees that work for third-party vendors (e.g., payroll processing service providers, etc.) in this calculation.
KPI Formula :
Total Number of Employees / Number of Payroll Department Employees
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