Payroll Processing Accuracy Rate

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KPI Benchmarks : Payroll Processing Accuracy Rate

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Payroll Processing Accuracy Rate

KPI Details

Payroll Processing Accuracy Rate measures the efficiency with which a company’s payroll employees process payroll payments. A lower than average value for this metric may be attributed to several factors: highly manual (i.e., error and rework prone) payroll payment processing practices (e.g., manual data entry, etc.), inefficient payroll payment processing policies (poor payroll data governance, unstandardized payroll submissions, etc.) and sub-par employee training and performance. Each of these factors can lead to prolonged payroll processing cycle times which directly impacts employee dissatisfaction and turnover rates.

KPI Definition

The total number of processed payroll payments that are considered to be accurate (i.e., payments that contain no errors) divided by the total number of payroll payments processed over the same period of time, as a percentage.

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