Revenue per Registered Financial Representative
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KPI Benchmarks : Revenue per Registered Financial Representative
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- Benchmark Sample Size (n) 140
* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Revenue per Registered Financial Representative
KPI Details
Revenue per Registered Financial Representative measures the average dollar amount of revenue generated by the company per registered financial representative. This metric is a general measure of company profitability, as a relatively low (or decreasing over time) amount of revenue production for each representative may indicate that the company is not producing enough value to grow or improve its business. A low value for this metric may also indicate that the company is not effectively investing commissions earned (in financial markets, other alternative investment products, etc.) to produce returns that grow the bottom line.
KPI Definition
The total revenue earned by the company over a certain period of time divided by the total number of registered financial representatives working for the company.
KPI Best Practices
- Invest in diverse portfolio to hedge vulnerability to market changes
- Perform peer research periodically to know what competitors are charging for investment management fees
- Effective sales and client onboarding techniques to maximize commission fee pipeline
KPI Calculation Instructions Revenue per Registered Financial Representative?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total revenue generated by the company during the measurement period, and (2) the number of registered financial representatives working for the company. Include both fee revenue and investment revenue in the numerator of this calculation. Registered financial representatives are licensed to sell securities (stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, etc.) on behalf of the firm.
KPI Formula :
Total Revenue / Number of Registered Financial Representatives
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