Service Level (Speed of Answer)

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KPI Benchmarks : Service Level (Speed of Answer)

  • Benchmark Range
  • Benchmark Average
  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 430

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Service Level (Speed of Answer)

KPI Details

This KPI measures the quality of service provided by a Call Center and the efficiency of call handling practices. A low value for this metric indicates that the Call Center is not staffed appropriately to handle incoming call volumes, most likely due to poor call forecasting and staffing practices. Inadequate staffing can lead to high abandonment rates and sub-par customer satisfaction which can reduce potential revenue, impacting the company's bottom line.

KPI Definition

The number of calls answered by Call Center representatives within the pre-defined speed of answer window (e.g., 80/20 service level equates to 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds) divided by the total number of calls answered (i.e., calls handled) by Call Center representatives over the same period of time, as a percentage.

KPI Best Practices

  • Effective IVR/VRU system to resolve simple customer inquiries
  • Accurate forecasting and staffing models to handle call volumes
  • Shrinkage routinely monitored to improve representative availability
  • Robust self-service options for customer (online FAQs, etc.)

KPI Calculation Instructions Service Level (Speed of Answer)?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of calls answered by call center representatives within the predefined speed of answer window (typically 20-40 seconds), and (2) the total number of calls answered by call center representatives over the same period of time. Do not include abandoned calls in the denominator of this calculation. Do not include calls answered outside of the speed of answer window defined by the company in the numerator of this calculation. Do not include calls handled completely by the IVR/VRU system in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

(Number of Calls Answered in Defined Speed of Answer Window / Total Number of Calls Answered by Representatives) *100

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