Total Revenue per Marketing Employee
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KPI Benchmarks : Total Revenue per Marketing Employee
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* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Total Revenue per Marketing Employee
KPI Details
Total Revenue per Marketing Employee measures the total revenue generated by the company over a certain period of time in relation to the number of employees working within the Marketing Department. A relatively low value for this metric may be related to a number of factors, including inaccurate demand forecasting, untargeted marketing campaigns, customer email and/or contact lists that are not up-to-date (i.e., the email, email provider, or contact information is incorrect or no longer exists), overstaffing of the Marketing Department, general inefficiencies within marketing processes (e.g., inefficient demographic research, untimely responses to customers, etc.), and sub-par Marketing employee training and performance. That said, any values for this metric should be weighted against the company's overall marketing strategy, as certain businesses may be more focused on marketing than others due to differences in their customer demographics, company mission, etc.
KPI Definition
The total revenue generated by the company over a certain period of time divided by the number of employees working within the Marketing Department.
KPI Calculation Instructions Total Revenue per Marketing Employee?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total revenue generated by the company over a certain period of time, and (2) the number of employees working within the Marketing Department. Include employees working within all of the Marketing Department’s sub functions (e.g., Branding & Strategy, Content Marketing, Market Research & Analysis, Product Management, Programs & Campaigns and Public Relations) in the denominator. Marketing employees are considered to be any employee whose core job function focuses on improving a company’s effectiveness in selling its products or services by identifying consumer needs, and based on those needs, developing, publicizing, communicating and selling their products/services to consumers.
KPI Formula :
Total Revenue Earned / Number of Marketing Employees
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