Transactions Processed per Teller

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KPI Benchmarks : Transactions Processed per Teller

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 21

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Transactions Processed per Teller

KPI Details

Transactions Processed per Teller measures the productivity and efficiency of teller transaction processing methods within a group of retail branches, a single retail branch, a group of tellers, or an individual teller. Branches or teller staff that exhibit relatively high or low productivity (i.e., significantly more/less transactions processed than other internal or external peers) are candidates for further assessment and/or root cause analysis. Low teller or branch productivity may be related to non-standard or inefficient transaction processes, lack of proper training and job aids, or overstaffing within retail branch locations. In conjunction with teller transaction cycle times and basic time studies, this metric is useful in modeling capacity within the retail network.

KPI Definition

The number of transactions processed by all branch tellers divided by the average number of tellers working within the retail branch(es) over the same period of time. Common transactions carried out by tellers include deposits, withdrawals, wire transfers and money orders.

KPI Best Practices

  • Align scheduled teller hours with high traffic times of the day/week
  • Ask customer to relay all the services they need before making transactions to determine most efficient way of handling
  • Identify areas of teller weaknesses on a regular basis and dedicate training time to improve those weaknesses

KPI Calculation Instructions Transactions Processed per Teller?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of teller transactions completed within the branch(es), and (2) the average number of tellers processing transactions over the same period of time. Alternatively, if transaction volume data is tracked at the individual teller level, the number of transactions processed by all tellers may be summed and divided by the number of tellers within the group being examined to derive a value for this KPI. Please note that the frequency must match (i.e., hourly/daily/monthly transactions per teller) to accurately compare these values. Transactions types counted in this calculation should include any task that can be completed by a teller - deposits, withdrawals, money orders, cashiers checks, wire transfers and account balance inquiries are typically the most common, high volume teller transactions. Tasks that require assistance from a non-teller branch employee, such as account opening/closing, loan servicing, and credit card issuance, should not be included in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

Number of Transactions Processed / ((Number of Tellers at Start of Measurement Period + Number of Tellers at End of Measurement Period)/ 2)

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