Cost per Overhead Powerline Inspection

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KPI Benchmarks : Cost per Overhead Powerline Inspection

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 8

* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

Cost per Overhead Powerline Inspection

KPI Details

Cost per Overhead Powerline Inspection measures the total cost of inspecting overhead powerlines in relation to the number of overhead powerlines inspected over the same period of time. A relatively high value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including highly manual (e.g., error and rework prone) inspection processes and procedures (e.g., poor use of tracking and sensor equipment, etc.), overstaffing, general inefficiencies within inspection processes (e.g., inefficient use of proper PPE, poor precautions taken when inspecting damaged powerlines, etc.), and sub-par powerline inspection employee training and performance. While companies typically seek to streamline operations and employee positions to reduce expenses while performing powerline inspections, great care should be taken when doing so as too many layoffs may reduce the utility company's ability to inspect and maintain the company's powerlines and transmission networks in a timely and efficient manner.

KPI Definition

The total cost of inspecting overhead powerlines divided by the number of overhead powerlines inspected over the same period of time.

KPI Best Practices

  • Use part time workers when possible to minimize benefits costs
  • Employ drones to take thermal pictures to assess condition of wires to reduce cost and increase picture accuracy
  • Audit powerline inspection processes regularly to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for cost savings

KPI Calculation Instructions Cost per Overhead Powerline Inspection?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total cost of inspecting overhead powerlines, and (2) the number of overhead powerlines inspected over the same period of time. Include all types of overhead powerlines in this calculation. Overhead powerlines typically consist of one or more conductors (commonly multiples of three) suspended by towers or poles. Include labor (wages, salaries, commissions, benefits), overhead (occupancy, utilities, supplies, advertising, legal fees, travel costs, etc.), and technology (hardware, software, etc.) costs in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

Total Overhead Powerline Inspection Expense / Total Number of Overhead Powerlines Inspected

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