Lost Time Case Rate (LTC)
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KPI Benchmarks : Lost Time Case Rate (LTC)
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Lost Time Case Rate (LTC)
KPI Details
Lost Time Case Rate (LTC) is an indicator of the diligence with which the company implements worker safety controls and procedures. High values for this KPI may be indicative of inadequate safety training programs, out of date or malfunctioning machinery or a lack of sufficient safety employees or inspectors within the company. LTC may be reduced if managers investigate worksites after accidents or near misses to identify the root cause of the problem and prevent future incidents from occurring as well as increasing the number of inspections prior to safety incidents.
KPI Definition
The number of Lost Time Cases recorded multiplied by 200,000, then divided by the total number of employee labor hours worked over a certain period of time.
KPI Best Practices
- Implement proactive safety training and certification procedures
- Conduct a safety audit of preventative measures and compare with up-to-date OSHA recommendations
- Select appropriate equipment and perform regular preventative maintenance on equipment
KPI Calculation Instructions Lost Time Case Rate (LTC)?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) number of OSHA Lost Time Cases that occur in a year * 200,000, and (2) the total number of employee hours worked in a year. A Lost Time Case is an OSHA recordable incident in which an employee is not able to return to work or is assigned restricted work on the day or shift following the incident. The number of cases is multiplied by 200,000 to in order to calculate the number of incidents per 100 employees (100 employees * 40 hours per week * 50 weeks per year = 200,000 hours worked).
KPI Formula :
(Number of Lost Time Cases * 200,000 / Total Employee Hours Worked in a Year)
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