Production Run Setup Time

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KPI Benchmarks : Production Run Setup Time

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 22

* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

Production Run Setup Time

KPI Details

Production Run Setup Time measures the number of minutes required to setup an operational production run, from the completion of the last unit of a run until the completion of the first unit of the next run. High values for this metric can be indicative of highly manual (i.e., errors and rework prone activities) loading and unloading activities, high rework rates, low quality of installed equipment (such low quality equipment can require frequent replacement or maintenance), poor preventative maintenance practices (includes infrequent or lengthy maintenance activities), and sub-par production employee training and performance. High Production Run Setup Times limits plant output and capacity which can directly impact order cycle times and increase customer dissatisfaction and attrition rates.

KPI Definition

The number of minutes required to setup an operational production run, from the completion of the last unit of a run until the completion of the first unit of the next run.

KPI Best Practices

  • Retrieve parts, tools and other items needed for production ahead of time while machine is still running
  • Capture and analyze data on each step of the setup process to identify bottlenecks
  • Conduct interviews with operators and production technicians to get their perceptions on setup bottlenecks

KPI Calculation Instructions Production Run Setup Time?

The calendar dates/times of two events are used to derive this KPI: (1) the sum of the time (typically measured in minutes) required to setup an operational production run (from the completion of the last unit of a run until the completion of the first unit of the next run), and (2) the total number of production runs setup over the same period of time. A production run is defined as a group of similar or related goods that are produced by using a particular group of manufacturing procedures, processes or conditions. Only include production runs that result in products that pass all quality checks (i.e., do not include production runs that result in damaged or defective units) in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

(Sum of Production Run Setup Times) / Total Number of Production Runs Setup

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