Proof of Delivery Rate

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KPI Benchmarks : Proof of Delivery Rate

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 20

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Proof of Delivery Rate

KPI Details

Proof of Delivery Rate measures the number of shipments that were completed with a signed proof of delivery (POD) form (paper or electronic) in relation to the total number of deliveries completed over the same period of time. A lower than average value for this metric can be indicative of general inefficiencies within customer order delivery processes and procedures (e.g., poor customer order documentation tracking and management, etc.), and sub-par distribution employee training and performance. Excessively low values for this metric can, furthermore, lead to reduced customer satisfaction and an increase in legal complications (typically due to the receiving company or customer filing a dispute because they refute receiving a corrected product specification or a message about a delayed shipment).

KPI Definition

The number of shipments that were completed with a signed proof of delivery (POD) form (paper or electronic) divided by the total number of deliveries completed over the same period of time, as a percentage.

KPI Best Practices

  • Provide incentives for high rates of Proof of Delivery
  • Use electronic Proof of Delivery systems to track where and when shipments are made
  • Adequate training programs to emphasize the importance of Proof of Delivery documents

KPI Calculation Instructions Proof of Delivery Rate?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of shipments that were completed with a signed proof of delivery (POD) form, and (2) the total number of deliveries completed over the same period of time. Include both paper and electronic proof of delivery forms in the numerator. Include all types of deliveries in this calculation (e.g., document, raw material deliveries, deliveries of finished products, etc.).

KPI Formula :

(Number of Shipments Signed / Total Number of Shipments Completed) *100

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