Renewable Electricity Sales as a Percentage of Total Retail Electricity Sales

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KPI Benchmarks : Renewable Electricity Sales as a Percentage of Total Retail Electricity Sales

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* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Renewable Electricity Sales as a Percentage of Total Retail Electricity Sales

KPI Details

Renewable Electricity Sales as a Percentage of Total Retail Electric Sales measures the amount of electricity originating from a renewable energy source sold to retail customers (in MWh) in relation to the total amount of electricity sold to retail customers over the same period of time. A relatively low value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including a lower number of active renewable energy facilities than needed, inaccurate forecasting of customer energy demand, unpredictable and inconsistent weather necessary to create the needed renewable energy (i.e., rain, wind, sunny skies, etc.), poor advertising of the types of energy available to customers, and sub-par renewable energy infrastructures.

KPI Definition

The amount of electricity originating from a renewable energy source sold to retail customers (in MWh) divided by the total amount of electricity sold to retail customers over the same period of time, as a percentage.

KPI Best Practices

  • Effective market research and demand forecasting methods for renewable energy sales
  • Advertise renewable energy services and clearly communicate the stated benefits
  • Invest in research to determine best land to install renewable energy infrastructure

KPI Calculation Instructions Renewable Electricity Sales as a Percentage of Total Retail Electricity Sales?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the amount of electricity originating from a renewable energy source that is subsequently sold to retail customers (in MWh), and (2) the total amount of electricity sold to retail customers over the same period of time. Retail customers, for this calculation, includes commercial (e.g., businesses) and industrial (e.g., manufacturers, etc.) customers. Include electricity generated from all renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydropower, etc.) in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

(Electricity Sold From Renewable Energy / Total Amount of Electricity Sold to Retail Customers) * 100

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