Employee Relations Staffing Ratio

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KPI Benchmarks : Employee Relations Staffing Ratio

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  • Benchmark Average
  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 13

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Employee Relations Staffing Ratio

KPI Details

Employee Relations Staffing Ratio measures the total number of company-wide employees in relation to the number of Employee Relation function employees working for the company at the same point in time (e.g., total employees per Employee Relations employee). A lower than average value may be related to process inefficiencies, lack of automation and/or simple overstaffing within the Employee Relations (ER) function. While a high value for this metric is preferred, this should also be balanced with the level of service being provided to the employees of the company, as the quality of employee relation services may impact employee satisfaction and turnover rates. Furthermore, poorly resolved employee issues may increase the expenses the company has to spend in litigation or fines.

KPI Definition

The total number of company-wide employees divided by the number of Employee Relation function employees working for the company at the same point in time, expressed as a ratio (e.g., total employees per Employee Relations employee).

KPI Best Practices

  • Company culture that fosters consistent communications between employees and leadership
  • Allocate time to measure and identify ways to gauge employee satisfaction
  • Investigate employee complaints as soon as they are received

KPI Calculation Instructions Employee Relations Staffing Ratio?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of employees working for the company, across all functions within the supported regions, and (2) the number of employees working in the Employee Relations function at the same point in time. Employee Relations employees should be counted as any employee whose core job function is related to managing various interactions between employers and employees. Employee Relations employees also resolve workplace disputes (from simple disciplinary matters to complex litigation) and manage relationships with temporary employees, trade associations and labor unions.

KPI Formula :

Total Number of Employees / Number of Employee Relations Employees

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