IT Support Employees per Thousand End Users

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KPI Benchmarks : IT Support Employees per Thousand End Users

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* Is High or Low Best: Lower is Better

IT Support Employees per Thousand End Users

KPI Details

IT Support Employees per Thousand End Users measures the total number of IT User Support employees working for the company time in relation to each one-thousand end users supported at the same point in time. A relatively high value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including IT support process inefficiencies (i.e., poor customer incident documentation tracking, untimely initiation of issue resolutions, etc.), a lack of automation and simple overstaffing within the IT Support function, all of which can drive up overhead and labor costs. While a low value for this metric is preferred (i.e., each IT Support employee supports many end-users), this should also be balanced with the level of service being provided to the end-users of the company (i.e., the company's employees), as the quality of IT support services may impact customer satisfaction and employee productivity levels.

KPI Definition

The total number of IT User Support employees working for the company divided by each one-thousand end users supported at the same point in time.

KPI Best Practices

  • Accurate work forecasting methods to optimize staffing levels
  • Keep a log of common user issues to speed up incident resolution time
  • Track KPIs such as error rates and tickets resolved per employee to identify low performers

KPI Calculation Instructions IT Support Employees per Thousand End Users?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the total number of IT User Support employees working for the company, and (2) each one-thousand end users supported at the same point in time. Include only internal customers (e.g., the company’s employees) within the denominator. Do not include external customers in this calculation. An IT user support employee should be considered to be any employee whose core job function is to provide technology assistance to internal customers. They set up hardware and software, troubleshoot technical issues and perform root cause analysis to reduce instances of technical problems. In some cases, IT user support employees may also be responsible for hardware and software procurement and asset management (licenses, warranties, etc.).

KPI Formula :

Total Number of IT User Support Employees / Each One Thousand End- Users

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