Percentage of Customer Orders with Correct Documentation

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KPI Benchmarks : Percentage of Customer Orders with Correct Documentation

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  • Benchmark Sample Size (n) 37

* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better

Percentage of Customer Orders with Correct Documentation

KPI Details

Percentage of Orders with Correct Documentation measures the diligence with which the company provides accurate forms (invoices, advanced shipping notices, packing slips, etc.) for their shipments to customers. A relatively low value for this KPI may indicate that the company has out-of-date customer records, highly manual order entry processes, etc. Inaccurate supplier documents can lead shipments to be delivered to the wrong location, delivered at the wrong time or billed to the wrong account, all of which will have a negative impact on customer satisfaction. A low value for this KPI can also lead to discrepancies between the physical inventory and the inventory reported in the inventory management system.

KPI Definition

The total number of orders received by customers that contain accurate documentation (invoice, ASN, packing slip, etc.) divided by the total number of orders received by customers over the same period of time, as a percentage.

KPI Best Practices

  • Perform regular audits of customer records to ensure all information is up to date
  • Enforce the use of POs to match orders to account numbers, addresses, product types, quantities, etc.
  • Create validated data entry for invoices, ASNs, packing slips, etc. to minimize entry errors

KPI Calculation Instructions Percentage of Customer Orders with Correct Documentation?

Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of orders sent to customers with correct documentation, and (2) the total number of orders sent to customers during the same measurement period. Include invoices, advanced shipping notices, case labelling, packing slips or any other documents that are required by the purchase order or vendor contract in this calculation. Only include orders sent to customers in this calculation. Do not include orders from suppliers in this calculation.

KPI Formula :

(Number of Orders Sent to Customers with Correct Documentation / Total Number of Orders Sent to Customers) * 100

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