Training Hours per Employee
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KPI Benchmarks : Training Hours per Employee
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- Benchmark Sample Size (n) 46
* Is High or Low Best: Higher is Better
Training Hours per Employee
KPI Details
Training Hours per Employee measures the number of hours existing employees (does not include new employees) spend training in relation to the number of employees undergoing training over the same period of time. While existing employees are expected to be periodically trained to keep up-to-date on new policies, procedures, technologies (includes tools, equipment, etc.) as well as to sharpen their existing skills, an overly high value for this metric can be indicative of inaccurate demand forecasting for employee training, sub-par employee performance, highly manual training procedures (i.e., excessive use of physical classrooms instead of online training modules, etc.) and poor training session structures (i.e., impractical, irrelevant and uninteresting training sessions). Extremely low values for this metric can also be an issue and can be indicative of inaccurate demand forecasting for employee training, inefficient scheduling procedures for employee training, and poor employee performance tracking and management. Values at both extremes in in this metric can influence increased employee frustration and turnover.
KPI Definition
The number of hours existing employees (does not include new employees) spend training divided by the number of employees undergoing training over the same period of time.
KPI Best Practices
- Use online training modules to reduce time in training while maintaining effectiveness
- Monitor changes in the industry environment (new technology, compliance, etc.) to determine areas that require training
- Collaboration between managers, Training and Development employees to identify necessary areas of training
KPI Calculation Instructions Training Hours per Employee?
Two values are used to calculate this KPI: (1) the number of hours existing employees spend training, and (2) the number of employees undergoing training over the same period of time. Do not include new employees in this calculation. In this calculation, training is considered to be time an employee spends in a formal program (can include online modules or physical attendance in a classroom) designed to introduce new or modified technologies (includes tools, equipment, etc.), procedures and policies as well as to sharpen employee skills. Do not include informal training sessions (i.e., time spent being trained outside of formally recognized training programs) or time taken by the employee to independently train themselves.
KPI Formula :
Total Number of Hours Existing Employees Spend Training / Number of Employees Undergoing Training
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