Category: Big Data

How to Use an Inventory of Business Intelligence (BI) Tools for Banks

Even with technology advances and automated processes, bank productivity and efficiency can lag. For example, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), mortgage loan production expenses for banks actually increased to $9,299 per loan in the first quarter of 2019, and productivity remained unchanged at 1.8 loans originated per production employee per month. While banks typically have a lot of data, they lack the ability to drill down into their banking operations and measure performance, cost effectiveness, customer service, efficiency, and more. This lack of insight can be crippling for…

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Big data in HR and the value of human capital in business intelligence

We’ve had more than our fair share of clients ask us about big data in HR and business intelligence. “We know that big data in HR exists,” they’ll tell us, “but does HR business intelligence mean anything for us?” If you have questions along the same lines, congratulations! You’re part of the elite class of business professionals who know big data in HR even exists in the first place! The fact of the matter is, your human resources department is already managing scads of data—both structured and unstructured. You have…

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Big Data in Banking 101: Top Ways You Can Improve

It’s a question we hear all the time: “How can my company use big data in banking?” The short answer is: “Lots of ways.” Here at OpsDog, we’ve got scads of experience with big data in banking, based on our work with banks of all sizes, across the country. We’d like to share some of that experience, and the insights it generates, with you in this article. What is big data in banking? Before we go too in depth into the ins and outs of big data, first we must…

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