Category: Big Data in Banking

Banking Analytics: A Complete How-to Guide with Use Cases, Case Studies + more

You’ve likely heard about implementing advanced analytics in the banking industry: As a collection of strategies, technologies and measurements, it can help you analyze vast swaths of data. This guide will help you to understand just what banking analytics is, and how it applies to your operations. It will give you useful definitions. It will describe the numerous advantages and unique benefits that advanced analytics implementation brings to the banking industry. It will show you how to derive operational benefits from analytics in banking. It will discuss key performance indicators…

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Big Data in Banking 101: Top Ways You Can Improve

It’s a question we hear all the time: “How can my company use big data in banking?” The short answer is: “Lots of ways.” Here at OpsDog, we’ve got scads of experience with big data in banking, based on our work with banks of all sizes, across the country. We’d like to share some of that experience, and the insights it generates, with you in this article. What is big data in banking? Before we go too in depth into the ins and outs of big data, first we must…

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