Category: Business Intelligence Dashboards

Banking Analytics: A Complete How-to Guide with Use Cases, Case Studies + more

You’ve likely heard about implementing advanced analytics in the banking industry: As a collection of strategies, technologies and measurements, it can help you analyze vast swaths of data. This guide will help you to understand just what banking analytics is, and how it applies to your operations. It will give you useful definitions. It will describe the numerous advantages and unique benefits that advanced analytics implementation brings to the banking industry. It will show you how to derive operational benefits from analytics in banking. It will discuss key performance indicators…

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Big data in HR and the value of human capital in business intelligence

We’ve had more than our fair share of clients ask us about big data in HR and business intelligence. “We know that big data in HR exists,” they’ll tell us, “but does HR business intelligence mean anything for us?” If you have questions along the same lines, congratulations! You’re part of the elite class of business professionals who know big data in HR even exists in the first place! The fact of the matter is, your human resources department is already managing scads of data—both structured and unstructured. You have…

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Top three banking dashboard examples and how to implement them with Business Intelligence

What are the benefits of a banking dashboard for your operational business intelligence? You can scour the Internet for reasons why to implement a banking dashboard and examples of how to do so. But in this article, we’re going to take a good close look at what banking business intelligence dashboards can do for your operations. Benefits of properly implemented banking dashboards include: Transforming unused banking data assets into insights that drive results. Live reporting instead of waiting for monthly roll-ups from manual analysis. Increased accuracy of reporting. Improved operational…

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