Category: Business Intelligence Services

Banking Analytics: A Complete How-to Guide with Use Cases, Case Studies + more

You’ve likely heard about implementing advanced analytics in the banking industry: As a collection of strategies, technologies and measurements, it can help you analyze vast swaths of data. This guide will help you to understand just what banking analytics is, and how it applies to your operations. It will give you useful definitions. It will describe the numerous advantages and unique benefits that advanced analytics implementation brings to the banking industry. It will show you how to derive operational benefits from analytics in banking. It will discuss key performance indicators…

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Big data in HR and the value of human capital in business intelligence

We’ve had more than our fair share of clients ask us about big data in HR and business intelligence. “We know that big data in HR exists,” they’ll tell us, “but does HR business intelligence mean anything for us?” If you have questions along the same lines, congratulations! You’re part of the elite class of business professionals who know big data in HR even exists in the first place! The fact of the matter is, your human resources department is already managing scads of data—both structured and unstructured. You have…

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The top three benefits of business intelligence in banking

The benefits of business intelligence in banking are many. We’re talking amped-up operational improvement, cost cutting, and a transformative customer experience. Business intelligence, or BI, lets you harness heavy-duty analytical concepts. It lets you slice and dice data. And it lets you do all this on an unprecedented scale. It gets even better. Once you have a BI-empowered handle on all this data, you can transform your bank from the front line all the way up the enterprise. You can make life better for internal and external customers alike. All…

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How to cut costs and increase standardization—thanks to business intelligence in banking

We see it all too often. Banks struggle with—“drown in”?—messy data. They struggle to deal with it. So, they throw Excel sheet after Excel sheet at the problem. Why? They want to report as much as they can. And they miss the importance of business intelligence in banking. Does this help? Does it solve the problem? Of course it doesn’t! You knew that. But it still happens. It leads to long hours. High costs. Lots of people working on lots of reports—all of questionable value. How, then, do you solve…

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Implementing Business Intelligence in the Banking Industry

Sometimes we get asked some strange questions, like “What is OpsDog?” To which we always reply, “Not much, what’s up with you?” When you get set up for a shot like that, you have to take it. For the most part though, we get asked more interesting questions, like “How can one move forward with implementing business intelligence in banking?” We like those kinds of questions, because we can get down to brass tacks and explore some of the concrete realities of implementing business intelligence in the banking industry. In…

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