Category: Dashboards

Benefits of an Operational Risk Dashboard Designed for Banks

Operational risk is defined as the risk bank’s face of monetary losses resulting from failures within their own processes, people and systems. Unlike external risk due to events such as market volatility, geopolitical risk, or systemic risk, operational risk is internal—meaning that banks have quite a bit of control over these risks. An operational risk dashboard for banks measures these internal risks and give banks the data they need to create measurable objectives to minimize those risks. Why is Operational Risk so Challenging for Banks?    Operational risk is complex…

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Top three banking dashboard examples and how to implement them with Business Intelligence

What are the benefits of a banking dashboard for your operational business intelligence? You can scour the Internet for reasons why to implement a banking dashboard and examples of how to do so. But in this article, we’re going to take a good close look at what banking business intelligence dashboards can do for your operations. Benefits of properly implemented banking dashboards include: Transforming unused banking data assets into insights that drive results. Live reporting instead of waiting for monthly roll-ups from manual analysis. Increased accuracy of reporting. Improved operational…

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