Category: Data Analysis

5 Best HR Metrics and Human Resources Key Performance Indicators Examples

Everyone has a different definition of success. This is certainly true in the world of business as accurately judging performance can be tricky. Take the Human Resources (HR) Department, for instance. The HR Department plays a vital role in setting the company up for success, but does not contribute to the bottom line directly. So how can you measure success in HR? Take a look at these five ‘layers’ of performance, and the corresponding Key Performance Indicator examples, to provide you with a holistic, top-down view of Human Resources Department operations.

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How to Measure Call Center Performance – A Step-by-Step Guide

Business performance assessment and management is a daunting task that managers face on a daily basis. How are my employees performing? Are we improving the customer experience? Where can we improve?

These questions can be tough to answer, especially for a small or medium-sized company that can’t afford business intelligence applications with all of the bells and whistles or the luxury of bringing in a consulting firm to improve their operations.

This article will describe the basics of analyzing and benchmarking the performance of a Call Center, or Contact Center.

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