Category: Healthcare Data Analytics

A Guide to Tracking Health Insurance Claims with Performance Metrics

When healthcare providers submit medical claims for reimbursement, they expect the insurer to pay claims quickly and accurately with no or minimal back and forth. If the process is unwieldy—even if the provider did not include the correct claim information—both the insurer and the provider lose. For reasons like this, it's important to track health insurance claims with performance metrics. How Tracking Health Insurance Claims Can Improve Performance   After a patient receives care, doctors, pharmacists, physical therapists, and other healthcare providers submit a medical claim to a health insurance…

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Healthcare Analytics – A Guide with Use Cases, Case Studies, Examples and more..

What is healthcare analytics? Healthcare analytics is defined as quantitative and qualitative processes that are used to enhance healthcare productivity through desktop, server or cloud-based applications that store and categorize data to draw conclusions through the patterns that emerge. The data analyzed can be historical, old records already in the company, or new information that is being processed from internal or external sources. Using data analysis within the healthcare industry can increase revenue, improve efficiency within the business, optimize customer service, and plan ahead to outpace competitors in the marketplace.…

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