Category: Insurance Policy Administration

Improving Agency Performance by Tracking Insurance Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) allow insurers to determine their strengths and weaknesses and where to focus resources and money. Tracking KPIs over time is the most effective way for insurers to figure out if the changes they are making--and the money they are spending--are actually improving agency performance. What is an Insurance KPI?   Insurance key performance indicators (KPIs) for agency performance tracking can be defined as metrics, often expressed as ratios or percentages, that measure aspects of insurance agency performance that are directly aligned with insurer business goals. When…

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Top four life insurance KPIs for business intelligence, analytics, and benchmarking

What happens when some of the biggest names in insurance need help with their life insurance KPIs? That’s the topic of this blog. It’s based on recent engagements, right here at OpsDog, with some companies you know well. See if you can learn from their experience—and the top four KPIs we put to work for them. As we’ve made clear in many of our recent blogs, business intelligence hinges on data. And by data, we mean ratios. We’re talking about life insurance KPIs. What are life insurance KPIs? Life insurance…

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