Category: KPIs & Metrics

Top four life insurance KPIs for business intelligence, analytics, and benchmarking

What happens when some of the biggest names in insurance need help with their life insurance KPIs? That’s the topic of this blog. It’s based on recent engagements, right here at OpsDog, with some companies you know well. See if you can learn from their experience—and the top four KPIs we put to work for them. As we’ve made clear in many of our recent blogs, business intelligence hinges on data. And by data, we mean ratios. We’re talking about life insurance KPIs. What are life insurance KPIs? Life insurance…

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Implementing Business Intelligence in the Banking Industry

Sometimes we get asked some strange questions, like “What is OpsDog?” To which we always reply, “Not much, what’s up with you?” When you get set up for a shot like that, you have to take it. For the most part though, we get asked more interesting questions, like “How can one move forward with implementing business intelligence in banking?” We like those kinds of questions, because we can get down to brass tacks and explore some of the concrete realities of implementing business intelligence in the banking industry. In…

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The Role of Business Intelligence in Banking

If there’s one thing banks have a lot of currently, it’s data. Not just the kinds of data you might be familiar with, but data across a wide variety of sources and systems, from ATMs to traditional credit processing parts of the business. You might think that all this data means every bank is ready to implement business intelligence in banking, but there’s more to this than meets the eye. The fact of the matter is, yes banks have a lot of data available, but though they might have quantity,…

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How to Drive KPIs in Retail - 4 Retail Key Performance Indicators that E-Commerce Business Units Must Track

Black Friday is no longer the biggest event of the retail world. Though once considered to be the day to get the best deals for the year across the retail industry, now it’s being challenged by another holiday shopping day: Cyber Monday. And it’s quickly gaining more and more ground. The reason is simple. As consumers become more and more dependent on technology, they turn towards shopping in the comfort of their homes, instead of wading through physical lines in brick-and-mortar storefronts. These online business transactions are generally known as…

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4 Key Performance Indicators Logistics Companies Must Implement

From the company’s warehouses to the customer’s front door, there are numerous logistics performance indicators, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), you must measure to benchmark where you stand against competitors and what you can change to bring a positive boost to customer satisfaction ratings and keep overhead costs in check.

Below are 4 logistics key performance indicators that logistics managers should be measuring to ensure they too can exceed customer expectations and boost satisfaction in all areas.

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