Category: Key Performance Indicators for Commercial Banks

A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Loan Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

New digital lenders are seriously disrupting the mortgage and consumer lending industries. These lenders are lean and mean—and they deliver great rates and excellent customer service to borrowers. In order to compete, lenders need to up their game and make their lending process—whether online or offline—as efficient and cost-effective as possible. How can you do that? Learn how to make key performance indicators for loans work for your financial institution. What are Key Performance Indicators for Loans? Key performance indicators (KPIs) for loans can be defined as metrics or measurements…

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Boost Loan Productivity and Cut Costs by Tracking Key Performance Indicators for Loans

To combat continuing low-interest rates and competition from fintechs, commercial and consumer lenders need to become as lean and mean as possible, all while keeping a close eye on macroeconomic factors that can negatively impact loan portfolios. By establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), and tracking these key performance indicators for loans over time, you can improve your operational efficiency, boost productivity, and close more commercial and consumer loans while reducing costs. What are Key Performance Indicators for Loans? Key performance indicators for loans can be defined as various loan-related metrics…

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Key Performance Indicators for Commercial Banks

What is Commercial Banking, or Commercial Lending? Commercial Lending is defined as the process of loaning money to businesses by banks or other financial services institutions. The process is much different than a loan made by commercial banks to individual consumers and is typically much more complex. Commercial loans can help businesses with mortgages for commercial real estate, short-term funding to float payroll, or even renewed indefinitely as a revolving line of credit based on incoming revenue. Most commercial loans are secured credit facilities backed up by collateral such as…

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