Legal Depmartment KPIs, Metrics & Benchmarks

KPIs & Metrics to Measure and Manage Corporate Legal Performance

What are Legal KPIs?

Legal KPIs and metrics measure and monitor the performance of the company’s dispute, litigation, and settlement efforts. Often, these metrics include not just standard courtroom activities, but also efforts dealing with intellectual property, administrative and human resources support, contract dispute negotiation, and litigation management.

Using Legal KPIs to Maintain Legal Operations Integrity

There’s more to a legal department’s metrics than just the monetary value of their efforts. To justify their spend, legal departments must be constantly prepared with quantitative data that speaks to the legal group’s efficiency, internal counsel performance, maximization of resources, and more. With the right legal KPIs, it becomes easier for corporate counsel to manage and improve their performance and efficiency.

6 Legal KPI Examples for Managing Corporate Counsel Operations

When used correctly, legal KPIs can provide insight into a department’s various litigation activities, whether in corporate governance, government affairs, intellectual property, or other areas. Unfortunately, many departments either don’t track any metrics or track only surface-level data that doesn’t offer any valuable insight. When using structured data, however, legal departments can measure KPIs, such as the following 6 examples, that will address specific quantitative benchmarks:

  1. 1.Average Total Cost of Case
  2. 2.Cycle Time: Final Patent Decision
  3. 3.Legal Expense per Attorney
  4. 4.Copyright Filing Error Rate
  5. 5.Legal Department Staffing Ratio
  6. 6.Pending Cases per Litigation Attorney

Buy Legal KPI Benchmarking “Data-as-a-Service” Products from Opsdog sells Legal KPI and benchmarking data in three different ways.

  1. Comprehensive Legal KPI benchmarking reports bundles that include 10 to 80+ measured KPIs.
    • Price range is from $750-$2000 per report
    • Instant download
  2. Individual Legal KPI benchmarks that contain 1 benchmarked KPI –
    • Price range is $50-$65 per individual benchmarked KPI
    • Instant download
  3. Custom Legal benchmarking KPI Data-as-a-Service projects and consulting engagements
    • 3-10 week long KPI benchmarking projects
    • Price varies based on scope
    • Hybrid on-site/off-site low-cost model

Browse Instant Download Legal KPI and Benchmarking Products for Purchase Below

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