Advertising KPIs, Metrics & Benchmarks

KPIs & Metrics to Measure and Manage Advertising Performance

What are Advertising KPIs?

Advertising metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are designed to measure and place quantitative value to a company’s efforts to impact a target audience’s opinion and behavior. Today, advertising KPIs include ways to measure the success of both traditional and digital advertising channels. This can include measuring brand mentions and cost per impression (CPM) across social media channels, as well as return on investment for traditional mediums like print and television.

Leveraging Advertising KPIs to Managing Ongoing Campaigns

Both in-house and third-party advertising efforts focus on using persuasion and promotion, in various ways, to influence their audience in buying specific products or services. Managers tend to use advertising metrics and KPIs to track the effectiveness of campaigns from the planning stages through implementation to post-launch analysis. Advertising KPIs offer hard data insights on these efforts, including audience impressions, reach, click-through rates and return on investment. Both digital and traditional advertising data can be wrangled and fed to dashboard software to create easy-to-digest visualizations that inform current and future marketing efforts.

5 Advertising Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance

A large portion of advertising nowadays happens digitally, especially through social media. Choosing the right metrics means weighing the importance of specific aspects of the campaign. This is especially important for digital campaigns, where simple data such as clicks needs to be converted to real, relevant actions. Proper measurement will provide a roadmap for driving tangible results from digital advertising. These 5 digital advertising KPIs, among others, are a must-have for just about any campaign:

  1. 1.Customer Acquisition Cost (by Channel; CAC)
  2. 2.Cost per Impression (by Channel; CPM)
  3. 3.Click-through Rate (by Channel; CTR)
  4. 4.Cost per Lead (by Channel)
  5. 5.Marketing-Originated Lead Conversion Rate

Buy Advertising KPI Benchmarking “Data-as-a-Service” Products from Opsdog sells Advertising KPI and benchmarking data in three different ways.

  1. Comprehensive Advertising KPI benchmarking reports bundles that include 10 to 80+ measured KPIs.
    • Price range is from $750-$2000 per report
    • Instant download
  2. Individual Advertising KPI benchmarks that contain 1 benchmarked KPI –
    • Price range is $50-$65 per individual benchmarked KPI
    • Instant download
  3. Custom Advertising benchmarking KPI Data-as-a-Service projects and consulting engagements
    • 3-10 week long KPI benchmarking projects
    • Price varies based on scope
    • Hybrid on-site/off-site low-cost model

Browse Instant Download Advertising KPI and Benchmarking Products for Purchase Below

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